"Kisses & Hugs"

From 30 years of experience with light and lighting became XOXO-Design AG in 2022. XOXO and its meaning of "kisses & hugs" perfectly sums up the passion of our company with two emotional words.

Our claim is to develop exclusive and highly functional battery lights for our clientele. Design and technology merge perfectly into each other. The materials as well as the color concepts have been carefully selected and integrate perfectly into any interior and room concept. Perhaps you too will fall in love with your XOXO luminaire.

Light is as versatile as life itself.

Light is life, light is emotion, light creates warmth and light creates atmosphere. Light is as versatile as we humans ourselves. It brings light into the darkness and creates hope. It is the energy and the factor that makes us humans and everything around us possible in the first place. That's exactly why we're enthusiastic about it and give at xoxo+ everything to create the most innovative solutions around portable light. We are fascinated by the possibilities with light - "we live light".

The xoxo+ Table lamps

We all know, a bright room without shadows looks monotonous and uncomfortable. It becomes more interesting and much more homey when you create islands of light and dimly lit zones, this is exactly what our xoxo table lamps are best suited for, with them you can play and design wonderfully, whether outside or inside, whether on the bedside table, side table or dresser.

The small, handy sizes and in the form "rather flowing" designed xoxo table lamps create islands of light where brightness or mood is needed, for reading, cooking, grilling, working, "baby changing", sewing; virtually limitless portable and without disturbing live power cables.

New technical developments allow highly efficient and economically viable solutions. These facts are increasingly revolutionizing the technology of the table lamp, which we have taken advantage of in the development of xoxo table lamps.

This has resulted in our aesthetically creative xoxo table lamps, which traditionally always emit light from the top down, so there can never be a distracting glare, just as the long tradition of table lamps demands.

Our products fit always and everywhere in every life reality, enrich every furniture epoch due to your form or color choice and set by your simple flowing form language fascinating light evolutions with every sought-after application - quasi as a constant companion of your personal light island.

Light & Flexibility

Detached from the electric leash, our xoxo table lamps revolutionize the next generation of light and adapt to the human "nomadic" lifestyle. Indicative of this are the criteria: wireless - portable - rechargeable - mobile - flexible.

As ubiquitous in humans, flexibility manifests itself also in the "new" xoxo table lamps, which are neither on a fixed table nor dependent on a power outlet, because it is our need that the light travels with us, connects with us and gives light wherever we need it at the moment, quasi "nomadic" use.